Loraine & Louis Drucker Scholarship

Mrs. Loraine Drucker was active in Newport News civic and cultural activities during her lifetime, including serving the Rodef Sholom Temple, the local Community Concert Association, the women’s guild of the Peninsula Symphony Orchestra, and National Women’s Committee of Brandeis University National, among other groups. Mrs. Drucker had a lifelong interest in music and studied piano at the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore. After settling in Newport News with her husband, she continued to take private voice and piano lessons. Mr. Drucker was a founding partner of Drucker and Falk Realtors. He was active in the community, playing a major role in merging the Newport News and Hampton Community Chests into one charitbale organization which later became the United Way. He served as United Way campaign chairman in 1958 and was a longtime member of Rodef Sholom Temple. This scholarship honors the memories of Mr. and Mrs. Drucker. To qualify for this opportunity, the applicant must be a Virginia resident; be a graduating senior of one of the public high schools in the Thomas Nelson service area; have a minimum 2.5 GPA; maintain full-time student status; and be in financial need under the same criteria for federal grant programs. In addition to the application, please submit a letter of stating career goals and civic work/extracurricular activities; a statement of nomination by a guidance counselor, not to exceed two single-spaced typewritten pages which include: a description of the ways in which academic excellence has been demonstrated; and a description of extracurricular activities and/or civic work.

High School Graduating Seniors